Love Stays Strong
Normality leaves; Love stays strong
Fear creeps in; Love stays strong
Peace shatters; Love stays strong
Freedom shakes; Love stays strong
Hope hangs in; Love stays strong
As we see the stranger as a neighbour
As we recognise our shared humanity beyond our differences
As we remember that unity is in diversity, not uniformity
As we come to know each other as friends
As we stand together side by side
As we reach out to take each other by the hand
Then fear departs
Freedom, peace and hope are reaffirmed
Compassion and justice are fed
Because Love stays strong
Normality is restored
Angela Coleman
(This was written in response the mosque attacks in Christchurch, and read at the Inter-faith service in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, PN this evening (same day as poem written) and a copy given to a representative of our local Muslim community)