Christian Contemplation with Donagh O’ Shea op
We are so looking forward to Donagh’s time with us as he moves around the country, starting in Wellington on 2 September and ending in Arrowtown on 3 October. He will be offering times of retreat and reflection on the theme of contemplation. For the times and venues for his presentations see the attached notice, which also gives the contact person for each area. Donagh’s visit is sponsored by our New Zealand Dominican Sisters who are providing us with the opportunity to enter more fully into the Dominican contemplative heritage.
Donagh O’Shea is director of the Dominican Retreat Centre, Tallaght Village, Dublin. He offers days of reflection on a range of themes including: meditation and contemplation; time with the mystics; using clay and photography in approaching meditation; creation as “God’s first book”; the variety of methods and approaches to meditation and contemplation. See website:
The bustling city with the still centre: this is symbolic of every person’s life. There is a vast amount of turbulence in our Church and in our country at present. We will not survive the storms by running away from them, but rather by going into the still centre. Donagh O’Shea
For the national programme click here:
Venues and dates for Donagh O’Shea on Contemplation
For the programme of days and evenings in Auckland, 11–17 September 2013 click here:
Donagh O’Shea Auckland visit Advance Notice
Booking Form for Donagh O’Shea – Auckland
Details of Donagh’s programme for other parts of New Zealand coming soon.
Being the Body of Christ Today with Fr Timothy Radcliffe op
In Auckland Fr Timothy’s talk will be on Saturday 14 September, at 3.00pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral. More details on the poster below.
In Wellington Fr Radcliffe’s talk will be on Saturday 21 September, after the 5.30pm Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. There will be a light meal between the Mass and the talk. The topic is the same as in Auckland.