If you could buy peace at the supermarket or the mall, what would it cost? What would be a fair price? How would the price be worked out? Would ‘peace of mind’ cost the same as ‘world peace’? Or would there be some sort of sliding scale depending on the grade of peace, number of people, the impact on society and the type of peace involved – mental, physical, or spiritual? But seriously, what is the price of peace? What does it cost to bring peace to this world, to society, to families, to individuals? The price, of course, is not a monetary one, but is much more complex, with many different aspects, at least to my way of thinking. There is the aspect of time. To create peace takes time, there is no instant formula, no quick technological fix or app to download. This is because at the heart of peace is relationships and relationships take time. For it is only in the maturing of relationships that peace can occur, within the trust and respect to be found there, but that maturing takes time. Another part of the price of peace is found in the need for honest mutual sharing, each giving and taking as necessary. This requires listening to each other and listening to our own hearts and souls. Listening with an openness of heart for what may be said (felt, thought), and a willingness and generosity of spirit to respect each other, even when this requires us
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