Third children’s book in the Dominican series launched

Did you know that Michelle Ness has just published her third children’s book in the Dominican Family series.  It was launched in Invercargill on Monday the feast of St Catherine of Siena. What would St. Dominic born 800 years ago and the founder of the Dominican Order think if he visited New Zealand today? In this story actual examples of everyday New Zealanders following the Dominican way of life are shared. The coloured sketches and text would appeal to children ages 7-12 years. Meet Sisters Margaret and Roxanne who provide practical help for refugees, Jenny and Mike who support young Mums, Sr. Judith who works at Challenge 2000 helping young people find a job, friends of the Domincans who plant gardens and give away vegetables to needy people and Sophia who went on hikoi to Parliament to protest about poverty. Proceeds from the sale of this book are used to further Dominican projects in Aotearoa, Australia and the Pacific. A significant donation has also been made to the Dominican Sisters of St Catherine of Siena to support a refugee camp in Iraq. You can get your copy of this and other books from Pleroma:    
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