GERARD FRANCISCO TIMONER OP ELECTIVE CHAPTER OF BIEN HOA, 13 JULY 2019 88TH MASTER OF THE ORDER The election of the Master of the Order took place as is customary on the fifth day of the elective General Chapter. The previous two days were spent in regional and language group meetings, discerning the characteristics and names of possible candidates for election. And on the fifth day, the names of five brothers were placed before the capitulars. From those, Gerard Francisco Timoner III was elected. Fr. Gerard was born in 1968 in Camarines Norte, in the Philippines. He joined the Dominicans and was ordained in 1995. Previous to this, he had received a licence in Philosophy from the Dominican Centre of Studies and in Theology from the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. Shortly after his ordination he went to Leuven, Belgium, where he received a Doctorate in Theology under the supervision of our brother, Eduard Schillebeeckx. On his return to the Phillipines, he taught at the University of Santo Tomas and fulfilled many offices within the University, including Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Religious Affairs and Rector of the Central (Interdiocesan) Seminary. In 2012, he was elected Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines, which he served for four years. While Provincial, he was named in 2014 as a member of International Theological Commission by Pope Francis. Finally in 2017, he was called by fr Bruno Cadore to be the Socius to the Master of the Order for the Asia Pacific region
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