One of our four Dominican pillars is of course contemplation. Last week I was fortunate enough to hear Brother Matthew from the ecumenical community of Taizé in France speak in Auckland. He led us through a beautiful time of prayer including music led by Ta’imua Youth Ministries and silence! We heard John 1:35-43 proclaimed: Follow Me. Responding to the reading, Brother Matthew asked how we welcome those we meet in our daily lives? How does this compare with the way that Christ welcomes us? Brother Matthew shared three key thoughts: Who have been our witness? John the Baptist promised wonders in this world but we often begin to doubt his words when we no longer know who to believe. This can be because of the way in which people live, making us question whether they are authentic. An authentic witness points to others not to himself Brother Matthew invited us to think of those who have been witnesses to us – those who have pointed us towards Christ or who taught us good life values. We are already disciples before we receive the call. Often the early disciples expected wisdom to come from the mouth of Jesus but in fact he would enter into their reality by asking a question. Knowing the Jesus is walking with you and will meet us where we are at… ask yourself the question “What am I looking for? What does it mean to you to remain with Jesus? The disciples called him rabbi or
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