Anglican Dominican preaches in Auckland

The Master of the Anglican Dominican Order, Father Kevin Goodrich OPA, preached at a midday eucharist in the Selwyn Chapel of Holy Trinity Cathedral on 18 January. Those who participated were grateful for the generous hospitality they received. It was a perfect occasion for members of the Aotearoa New Zealand Dominican Family to gather with Father Goodrich.  A powhiri prefaced a shared lunch during which some 30 people, Anglican and Catholic, had time to talk with Father Goodrich.  In an explanatory talk Father Goodrich explained that the Anglican Dominican Order had been founded in the United States in the early 1990’s by Father Jeffery Mackey OPA who felt called to a deeper spiritual life to fire his preaching.  The four pillars of the charism of St Dominic de Guzman gave him the inspiration he needed.  Since then the Order has spread to Canada and Australia. Father Kevin had just been to Australia to receive the vows of a Queensland novice.  The Anglican Dominican Order (OPA) is open to men and women, clerical and lay, as vowed members.  There are also women and men who belong  as oblates and associates.  We hope the relationship between the Catholic and Anglican Dominican Families may grow. (cf for further information)
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