Sister M Genevieve began and finished her life in the deep south. As we look at the 95 years of her life and reflect on the same 95 years of New Zealand and global history we can see how much Genevieve was a woman who recognised and responded to the signs of the times. Before she entered the convent in 1948 Genevieve was a music teacher who moved around Southland, introducing a love of music to many young people. This love of music endured throughout Genevieve’s 70 years of religious life, bringing beauty to many in schools and parishes as well as to the individual pupils. Many of her ex-pupils remember the musicals they played in, directed by this talented Sister. After several years teaching in Dominican primary schools Genevieve and Sister M Jordan were invited to go to Rome where they studied theology and spirituality in the early days of life after Vatican II. Love of these areas of study and reflection never left Genevieve, especially as she worked in the parish of St Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, Howick in the early days of Pastoral Assistants. Late in her life, aged 80, Genevieve joined the Dominican Preaching Team which travelled around rural parishes leading retreats. Everywhere she went, Genevieve shared her music talents and encouraged good liturgy. In the last five years spent at Calvary Hospital in Invercargill Genevieve continued to live and share the Dominican spirit. She made several close friends at Calvary who, along with
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