On Sunday 6 December over 20 members of the Auckland Dominican Family gathered at Blockhouse Bay for Advent Prayer. After the year that 2020 has been there was excitement in the air as people came face to face for our first and last Auckland gathering for 2020. The awesome Lyn Smith led us in Advent Prayer. Our opening prayer encouraged us to think about the journey in front of us. A time for prayer. A time for thinking. A time for learning. A time for sharing. A time for reflecting. We lit candles. Our reading came from the Prophet Isaiah 1.1 We prayed a Jesus Litany (this prayer by Mother Teresa and Brother Roger (adapted)): Jesus is the Word to be spoken Jesus is the Truth to be told Jesus is the Light to be lit Jesus is the Life to be lived Jesus is the Love to be loved Jesus is the Joy to be shared Jesus is the Peace to be given Jesus is the Bread of Life to be eaten Jesus is the Hungry to be fed Jesus is the Thirsty to be satiated Jesus is the Sick to be healed Jesus is the Mentally Ill protect him Jesus is the Prisoner visit him Jesus the Emmanuel welcome him. We had a time of silence to reflect on a range of scripture readings, quotations, words from Pope Francis and in true Dominican style some questions that linked right back into our daily lives. We hope you will join with us in this Advent reflection as we post some of
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