Windows on a Women’s World: The Dominican Sisters of Aotearoa New Zealand launched

Many friends attended a very enjoyable event in Dunedin on Sunday 23 April and also in Invercargill on the following day. Oamaru and Auckland sisters hope to hold such events  later in May. In Dunedin the book was launched with song and prayer and with input from Rachel Scott, editor of the Otago University Press, who published the book, Professor Dorothy Page, who was a member of the advisory body which oversaw the development of the book, and Susannah Grant, the writer. The sisters who gathered sang in English and Latin and Maori at intervals during the formal speeches and Sister Sandra Winton offered a very beautiful blessing of the books. It was a very happy occasion, the celebration of many years of work on the part of Susannah and of a history that covers 146 years of Dominican life in Aotearoa. In Invercargill, Sisters Cecily, Carmel, Raewyn and Judith launched the book in the Basilica in a similar manner in the company of several former pupils and friends. The following statement on the order form summarises well what this book is about:  “In this beautifully written book featuring many historical photos, Susannah Grant chronicles the astonishing transformation of the New Zealand Dominican Sisters from a strictly enclosed body of religious teachers to a congregation of religious women who are integrated in the wider community and engaged in a range of active ministries, while still remaining deeply committed to shared Dominican ideals.” Further details and photos are on the Otago
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