A forum for sharing information about issues
Dominican Call to Justice 2015 – 2017
A call to study, advocate, and act in the following areas:
Some of the issues we are concerned about are:
Analysis of causes for understanding contributing factors towards economic poverty
Child Poverty
Environmental Justice
- 350.org is a global movement working to solve the climate crisis
- Charter for Compassion – Connecting communities and organizations to grow a global movement of compassionate action
- Coal Action Network Aotearoa – keep the coal in the hole
- The Earth Charter is a universal expression of ethical principles to foster sustainable development.
- Earthlink – encouraging deep bonding with earth
- Environmental and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand
- Genesis Farm a Dominican farm in New Jersey … fostering Earth literacy and Transition culture
- Looking forward to Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology and climate change – an article from Margaret Galiardi
Euthanasia Bill
- Booklet Euthanasia – Myths+Facts Sept 15 – NZ Catholic Bishops
- Writing a submission on Euthanasia AS – a guide to writing a submission
- The Catholic Bishops Welcome Terms of Reference for Inquiry into Ending of Life.
- The Nathaniel Report is the NZ Catholic Bioethics Centre. Check their website for articles and information or join their Facebook Group.
- The Euthanasia Debate (NZ) is an organisation that is attempting to educate the NZ public, including MPs about this Euthanasia. Visit their website. Sign the petition. online.
- David Richmond has been a physician in Geriatrics care throughout his medical career. He is presently Emeritus Professor of Geriatric Medicine and a Palliative care Specialist. He is also the Founder and Chairman of the HOPE Foundation for Research on Ageing. David is a committed Christian. For a short, clear and recent interview with David see the following video. For something by David in print form available on the website of the Methodist Church of New Zealand/Te Haahi Weteriana O Aotearoa, see this article.
- Dr Sinead Donnelly is a specialist in palliative medicine in Wellington. She made a short film about her work with the dying.
Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing)
- We recommend Jacqui Ryan’s article (after clicking, scroll down the newsletter until you reach the fracking article)
- NZ Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment – Interim Report
- Explanation of what fracking is from Food and Water Watch
- Proposed bill (as at August 2013):
- Law Society submission opposing bill
Human Trafficking
- NZ Network Against People Trafficking
- Stop the Traffick Aotearoa-New Zealand
- ECPAT Child Alert
- Stop Demand
- Healthy Housing
- Monte Cecilia Housing Trust
- Nuns: State leaves homes empty as hundreds wait
- NZ Council of Christian Social Services
Inter-generational unemployment and it’s impact on families
ISIS’s War on Religious Minorities
Sister Diana Momeka from Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Mosul, Iraq speaks out:
dom srs of iraq HHRG-114-FA00-Wstate-MomekaS-20150513 (1)
Mineral Exploration
Mission and Justice
Recognition of Parihaka
- Why Parihaka?
- Caritas Aotearoa Resource Remembering Parihaka
Refugee Crisis
- Caritas Aotearoa Appeal
- The New Zealand response to a Climate Change Refugee
Teen/Child Suicide and value of children in Society
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
- Pat Neuwelt speaking out on the TTPA
- It’s our future website
- The Common Good The Common Good – Saying No to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (shared with permission from The Common Good)
Youth Employment
If you have articles and links to share please send these to us.